What different types of yoga are there?

What different types of yoga are there?

When we talk about Yoga, we have a lot of choices because there are many ways of practicing this incredible body movement. Even if we speak about Yin Yoga, Hatha, Hot Yoga, Yoga Nidra, Kundalini Yoga, Vinyasa, or Ashtanga, all these types have something in common; they create a very intimate environment with your body, respiration, and spirit.

Yoga means Union or Oneness. If we go deeper, at a spiritual level, Yoga is about finding your true essence, understanding that everything is one. We can think that it is the union of your body, mind, and spirit. Yoga is a spiritual discipline from ancient India. First, these practices were mentioned in Rigveda and Upanishads between the fifth and third centuries BCE.

Yoga is about physical, mental, and spiritual practices that will help you release anything that no longer serves you good in life.

You calm the mind and bring more peace into your entire being practicing Yoga. Today we will focus on Yin Yoga, Hatha, and Hot Yoga.

women doing yoga arch
Photo by Elina Fairytale from Pexels


Yin Yoga

What is it

All types of Yoga focus more on the muscles, but Yin Yoga is more about tissues, ligaments, bones, and fascia. This type of Yoga is more meditative, relaxing, bringing more inner peace into your entire being. If you need more stretching, Yin Yoga will be the best for you.

If you practice Yin Yoga, you will discover your breathing; sitting more time in discomfort will teach you to have more patience with yourself and life. You will watch your thoughts flow, and this will help you release those emotions that no longer serve you good through your breathing.

You will turn inward, open your intuition, listen to your body, and breathe in stillness; stretching and lengthening your entire body will help you release very much stress and tiredness accumulated through time.

If you stretch and stay for a more extended period in posse, you will open the blockages from your entire body, letting the energy flow effortlessly in your whole being.


Practicing Yin Yoga will increase your flexibility, boost your circulation, and reduce stress levels. It is very powerful to practice in nature, grounding and staying barefoot, feeling the Earth beneath your feet.

Hatha Yoga

What is it

A Hatha Yoga class is very different from Yin Yoga. This style of Yoga is more energetic, making you feel so alive, using your breathing, asanas, and meditation. When you practice Hatha Yoga, you connect with your mind, body, and respiration. The practice involves a gentle warm-up, physical poses, and the end with a meditation. Pranayama is very important in this type of Yoga. You will stretch, unwind, bringing more well-being into your entire being; this Yoga is perfect for a busy lifestyle and for people who need cardio workouts.

Practicing Hatha Yoga, you will step into the present moment, becoming aware of your thoughts, emotions, and what you feel. You will relax deeply, focusing on your breathing and letting the feelings come and go. You will gain mobility and become very flexible; this Yoga is also excellent for your heart, including some cardio movements.


This Yoga is for balancing the body and mind. The spiritual level is all about balancing your feminine energy with your masculine energy (the Sun and the Moon).

Hot Yoga

What is it

Hot Yoga means that the room is heated above the average temperature. This Yoga includes a variety of poses, with music and interaction between the practitioners of the classes. It is different from Bikram Yoga, which is more complex, including 26 yoga poses and two breathing exercises.

This Yoga has many benefits, one of them is deep relaxation of the mind; physical fitness, improve flexibility, burn calories, and build a solid bone density. If you are a fire sign and feel a lot of heat in your body, this Yoga is not recommended for you. But if you are more water, air, or earth element, this Yoga is all you need to bring more health into your entire being and open your willpower.


Hot Yoga is perfect for reducing stress, easing depression, regenerating your skin, and making you feel very secure and still. Know that staying hydrated while you practice Hot Yoga or any kind of body movement is recommended. Take care of your body, and it will reward you with love and well-being.

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